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5 Ways Milk Improves Skin Health

A rich source of calcium and protein, milk is usually featured on the A-list of healthy foods for many of us. But if you are wondering whether milk can double up as an ingredient in your skincare routine, you are on the right track! Milk, especially when it is raw and unpasteurized or slightly fermented or sour (think buttermilk), can help your skin in many ways. In this article, we will give you a list of ways milk can help your skin.

First, we will take a look at milk fighting wrinkles and exfoliating. Next, we will talk about milk moisturizing the skin. Then, we will cover how milk can soothe sunburns and wrap up with milk helping fix uneven skin. Once you are done reading, you will be able to use milk to take care of your skin.

1It Fights Wrinkles

With age, not only do fine lines and wrinkles make their presence felt, but your skin also becomes thinner and less firm. But sometimes, this skin aging takes place ahead of its time due to factors like poor skin care or excess exposure to the sun. But the goodness of milk can help you fight these signs of skin aging.

Milk contains an alpha hydroxy acid known as lactic acid that can boost skin health. According to one study, when the participants used lactic acid on their skin twice a day for three months, it reduced the appearance of wrinkles and lines, made the skin smoother, and improved its firmness and thickness. Since lactic acid is formed when milk is fermented by bacteria, apply raw or slightly sour milk to make the most of this beneficial effect.

2Works As A Gentle Exfoliator

It’s important to exfoliate the skin regularly to remove dead skin cells, which make your complexion dull and lifeless. Thanks to lactic acid, milk can work as a gentle exfoliator that dissolves dead skin cells. Milk can do this without any of the damaging effects you’d see with harsh chemical exfoliators.

Apply milk directly to your face or even add it to your bathwater for a natural and gentle exfoliation treatment. If you have thick, oily skin, you may want to exfoliate three to four times a week. More sensitive skin calls for exfoliating just once or twice.

3It Moisturizes Skin

A patch test is recommended before you use milk on your skin to ensure that your skin doesn’t react adversely to it. If you have a dairy allergy, do not apply it to your skin, as that can trigger a reaction, too. Dry skin is a common problem that many of us face. Dryness can result in flaky, scaly skin that feels rough to the touch and may even itch or crack.

Lactic acid present in milk is a powerful humectant; that is, it draws and preserves moisture and helps keep your skin supple. Meanwhile, fats present in milk can coat your skin and prevent moisture from escaping. Milk proteins also help smooth and soften skin, which is why they are found in the ingredient list of many cosmetic moisturizers. Apply some creamy full milk to your skin every day for plump, moisturized skin.

4Soothes Sun-Damaged Skin And Sunburns

Sun exposure can cause a lot of damage to your skin. It can thin out your skin, make it less elastic, and lead to wrinkles. But research shows that lactic acid can help mitigate sun damage. It results in the shedding of your epidermis, which is the outer layer of the skin, thereby promoting the remodeling of the skin.

Studies have also found that treatment with lactic acid can increase collagen, which is a protein that imparts strength and firmness to the skin. It can even help fade sun tan. Interestingly, milk is also recommended in the ancient science of Ayurveda for soothing sunburns. The antioxidants in milk can help soothe the pain and inflammation while the fats lock in the moisture. Just dip a gauze pad in some cold milk and apply it to sunburned skin for relief.

5Helps Fix Uneven Skin

Freckles, brown spots, sun tan, hyperpigmentation, and skin disorders like melasma all have something in common – that’s melanin, the pigment which is responsible for skin color. As melanin increases, your skin gets darker. Excessive deposits of melanin can lead to a hyperpigmented or uneven complexion. Raw or sour milk can help here, too. Studies show that skin treated with lactic acid has lower deposits of melanin.

You could even try a traditional recipe from South Asia for lightening skin. Combine raw milk or buttermilk with turmeric powder to make a thick paste and apply it to darkened or tanned skin. Rinse off once dry. Turmeric adds to milk’s skin-lightening power since it contains a bioactive compound known as curcumin, which can inhibit the production of melanin.

Milk is usually featured on the A-list of healthy foods for many of us because it’s a rich source of calcium and protein. You are on the right track if you are wondering whether milk can double up as an ingredient in your skincare routine. Especially when it is raw and unpasteurized or slightly fermented or sour (think buttermilk), milk can help your skin in many ways. In this article, we gave you a list of ways milk can help your skin.

First, we examined how milk fights wrinkles and exfoliating. Then, we covered how milk can moisturize the skin. Next, we went over milk soothing sunburns and finished with milk helping fix uneven skin. Now that you are done reading, you can use milk to take care of your skin.

5 Benefits Collagen Supplements Provide

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It’s present in connective tissues, such as the tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles, and makes up a large proportion of these structures. Collagen supplements are becoming more popular lately. The majority of them are hydrolyzed, which means that the collagen has been destroyed so that it may be absorbed easier. We’ll discuss some of the advantages of collagen supplementation in this article.

We’ll start with how collagen can boost muscle mass and some other benefits. Then, we’ll go over some side effects of collagen. After that, we’ll discuss skin health and close with heart health. You will be able to take advantage of the health benefits of taking collagen supplements after you’ve finished reading this material.

1Could Boost Muscle Mass

Collagen makes up one to ten percent of muscle tissue. This protein is required for the maintenance of your muscles. Collagen supplements have been found to help people with sarcopenia or age-related loss of muscle mass gain more muscle and strength. Twenty-seven frail men took 15 grams of collagen every day for 12 weeks while participating in a fitness program. They gained roughly twice as much muscularity and strength as the males who exercised but didn’t take collagen.

According to the researchers, taking collagen has been proven to assist in the formation of muscle proteins, like creatine, and stimulate muscular growth after exercise. Additional research is needed to assess whether collagen may enhance muscular bulk. Collagen supplements have been proven in people with age-related muscle loss to improve muscular development and strength.

2Other Health Benefits

Other potential health advantages of collagen supplements have not been studied extensively. Collagen may help your nails become stronger by preventing brittleness. It may also promote hair and nail growth by stimulating them to grow longer.

Some people say that collagen supplements can help improve gut health, but there is no scientific evidence to support this. Some health practitioners believe that collagen supplements can help treat intestinal permeability or leaky gut syndrome.

3Collagen’s Side Effects

There are currently no known hazards linked with collagen supplements. Some collagen products, on the other hand, are produced from common food allergens, including fish, shellfish, and eggs. To avoid allergic reactions, individuals who are allergic to these foods should avoid collagen supplements prepared with these components. Collagen tablets have been reported to leave a persistent unpleasant taste in some people’s mouths.

Additionally, collagen supplements might cause some side effects, such as feeling full and experiencing heartburn. But these supplements are generally safe for most people. If you have allergies, make sure to get supplements that don’t include collagen from sources that you’re allergic to.

4Can Improve Skin Health

Collagen is a major component of your skin’s structure. It contributes to the improvement of skin firmness and moisture as well as elasticity. Your body makes less collagen as you grow older, resulting in dry skin and wrinkle formation. Collagen peptides or products that contain collagen, on the other hand, have been shown in several studies to help reduce wrinkles and dryness in aging skin.

Women who consumed a collagen beverage mixed with a supplement every day for 12 weeks had improved skin hydration and a significant reduction in wrinkle depth when compared to a control group, according to one research. Collagen supplements’ ability to encourage your body to create collagen on its own has been credited with the wrinkle-reducing effects. Collagen supplements may also help promote the formation of other proteins that help shape your skin, including elastin and fibrillin, by stimulating your body’s production of these components.

5Promotes Heart Health

Collagen supplements have been studied for their effects on heart-related diseases. Collagen gives structure to your arteries, which are the blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Arteries can become weak if there is not enough collagen. This may lead to atherosclerosis, a disease in which the arteries become narrow. Atherosclerosis has the potential to cause a heart attack or stroke.

Thirty-one healthy individuals took 16 grams of collagen each day for six months in one research. Compared to before they began taking the supplement, they evidenced a significant reduction in measures of arterial stiffness at the conclusion. They also boosted their HDL “good” cholesterol levels by an average of six percent. HDL is important since it helps prevent heart disease, such as atherosclerosis. However, additional research on the impact of collagen supplements on heart health is needed.

The most abundant protein in your body is collagen. Several body parts, including the tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles, are made up of connective tissues, where collagen is a major component. Collagen supplements have become popular in recent years. Most of these supplements are easier for you to absorb because they are hydrolyzed. In this article, we shared with you some of the benefits of taking collagen supplements.

We started with how collagen can boost muscle mass and some other benefits. Then, we went over some side effects of collagen. After that, we discussed skin health and closed with heart health. You may now use the health benefits of taking collagen supplements to your advantage.

7 Things You Should Know About The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system helps maintain fluid balance in the body by collecting excess fluid and particulate matter from tissues and depositing them in the bloodstream. Many people are unaware of the importance and work of the lymphatic system. In this article, we will dive right into the ins and outs of the lymphatic system and how keeping it moving is a vital part of the proper function of your immune system and your overall health.

First, we will take a look at the lymphatic system draining. Next, we will discuss the purpose of the lymphatic system. Then, we will cover detoxing your lymphatic system. Finally, we will close with a congested lymphatic system. Once you have finished reading, you will be able to claim better overall health by detoxing your lymphatic system.

1About Lymphatic Draining

When it comes to lymphatic drainage, initially, the primary remedies to healing are physical movement (walking, exercise, dancing, and jumping on a mini-trampoline), digestive enzymes, herbal colon cleansers, such as digestive detox, fulvic acid, lymphatic-friendly foods, sauna, massage therapy, detox, proper sleep, avoiding restrictive clothing, and alternating shower temperatures. Your lymphatic system is an extensive and complex system that requires special attention when detoxing. You can easily cleanse your lymphatic system by shocking it with varying temperatures in the shower. For example, while taking a hot shower, suddenly switch the hot water off and let the cold water wash over you. Your blood vessels will dilate in the warmth and then constrict in the cold, creating a “pump” to help flush out this system.

You can also implement jumping on a mini-trampoline. Rebound exercise is wonderful for cleansing the lymphatic system. Movement turns on the garbage disposal – without movement that forces the lymphatic fluid to drain, toxins collect stagnantly in the lymph instead of leaving the body. Other types of exercise, such as walking, weightlifting, or swimming, will also help flush toxins in the lymph.

Rebounding is the most effective movement therapy for increasing lymph flow and draining the toxins from the body. Many natural health practitioners recommend daily rebounding as a gentle detox technique. Due to the up-down movement, lymphatic fluid is forced to flow and flush the toxins. Therefore, your detox pathways must be open so the toxins can get out.

2The Purpose Of The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is known as the garbage route bringing unwanted irritants out of your tissues through the drainage system and your elimination outlets. It is responsible for draining all the waste and toxic materials away from your organs and tissues throughout your entire body, including the brain. Unfortunately, when it comes to detoxification, it’s common for most doctors not even to mention the lymphatic system, which is tragic.

The lymphatic vessels are open-ended and reach out into your tissues to collect the lymphatic fluid that washes through your tissues, cleaning up the toxins and cell debris. The nodes are filtering centers where bacteria and other infections can be addressed before the lymph fluid continues to the liver and recirculates to clean more tissues. You have about two liters of this fluid that circulates through your tissues to keep you healthy and eliminate toxins, and you have about 600 lymph nodes throughout your body that take care of infections of all kinds.

3How The Lymphatic System Works

The lymphatic system helps maintain fluid balance in the body by collecting excess fluid and particulate matter from tissues and depositing them in the bloodstream. The lymph fluid is 95% water and is a gel-like fluid that thickens when cooled or stagnant. It is made up of a clear, watery fluid that contains proteins, salts, and white blood cells, mostly lymphocytes. The MTHFR gene mutation is often caused by the inability to detox these fluids, which causes toxin backup in the cells and the failure to utilize or process the nutrients taken into the body. Lymphatic stimulation or circulation is critical for optimal health because it is essentially your body’s inner drainage system.

Unlike the circulatory system, where the heart acts as a pump, this system has no pump and is not self-stimulating or self-regulating. The lymphatic system is unique because it needs manual stimulation and relies entirely on your conscious movement to work optimally. This is why we recommend daily exercises like dry brushing, self-massage, saunas, red light therapy, exercise, rebounding, and other forms of lymphatic stimulation. Without these practices, the lymphatic system cannot flow and function properly, and you will experience swollen nodules, sore muscles, skin rashes, or other health problems.

The lymphatic system also serves as the sewer system for the body, and when we begin to detoxify our digestive system, it all goes through the colon. It absorbs not only fat-soluble nutrients and carries them to the cells in the body but also gathers excess fluid and waste (much like the water and sewer system in your home) from cells. This fluid is transported upward to the neck, where it meets the subclavian vein (a large paired, deep vein that extends along each side of the neck), and liquid is returned to the circulatory system.

4The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a subsystem of the circulatory system and immune system, and it is critical to the immune system, unlike all others. It protects us from illnesses and harmful diseases causing inflammation by supplying disease-fighting cells called lymphocytes. The lymphatic system is a part of the vascular system, a network of vessels and ducts, nodes, and other tissues that work together. The major components of the lymph system are located in the bone marrow, spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, and tonsils; in addition, the heart, lungs, intestines, liver, and skin also contain lymphatic tissue. It is this intricate system that processes the toxins and excessive fats before delivering them to the liver and kidneys to be filtered before expulsion.

Lymph nodes within the lymphatic system are amazing little filtration systems that function very similarly to a kidney. Most of our lymph nodes are in clusters in the neck, armpit, and groin area; they’re also found along the lymphatic pathways in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis, where they filter the blood. They are the residence of the vast majority of our immune cells (T cells and neutrophils). They can become a location for sequestering cancer cells to be destroyed by our white blood cells in a healthy functioning immune system; however, when the environment inside the body is toxic and if the pH is off, cancer will take up residence inside the nodes. When the primary drain, the colon, is plugged up, the lymphatic system can’t drain, the toxins get stuck, and the immune system suffers.

5Some Lymphatic-Friendly Foods

Choosing lymphatic-friendly foods as often as possible will also help keep your lymphatic system in tip-top shape. Examples are cranberries, deep leafy green veggies, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, nuts and seeds, and citrus (lemon, lime, oranges). As the lymphatic system drains and clears the toxins away, the vital organs and tissues can eliminate the toxic buildup within the depths of the cells.

When the lymphatic system drains as a result of the bowels becoming more active, you will need to support the body’s primary filtration systems – the liver and kidneys. Once the lymphatic system begins draining into the circulatory system, the amount of waste in the bloodstream increases, doing more work for the liver and kidneys. As the liver and kidneys drain and cleanse themselves, the bloodstream becomes cleaner and less pro-inflammatory. Being mindful of the issues and having the tools are the first steps to optimal health. If your body’s natural detoxification system is not working properly or has other health issues, you may want to start with a detox program; however, sometimes, just a good house cleaning can set you on a path to much better health.

6How To Cleanse The Lymphatic System

Detoxification and some simple life strategies can help remove many toxins that cause congestion. Deep breathing is beneficial because your rib cage is an essential lymphatic pump for healthy lymphatic movement, as a major cluster of your lymphatic system is in the upper chest neck area. Staying fully hydrated is crucial as well. Another easy and effective access to the lymphatic system is the skin, which is one reason why dry brushing and infrared light therapy can be so effective as a detox method.

Using infrared light therapy, the deep penetration of heat releases the toxins from the fat layers beneath the skin through sweat; it also helps your body eliminate toxins from your internal organs. Once the first round of toxins has been eliminated, toxins from the organs move into a layer of tissue under the skin and are then eliminated through sweat. There are other ways to help your lymphatic system work at its best, and detoxification is one critical element. You will notice constant lymphatic changes as you move through the healing process, from stabilization to detoxification and then to fortification. Lymphatic drainage is something that will improve as you go.

7Congested Lymph System And How It Happens

A congested lymphatic system can affect your entire body and is caused by many different factors. Knowing the signs of a congested lymphatic system is key to feeling better. Did you know that chronic stress is one of the leading causes of chronic health issues and lymph congestion? That is because when you are under stress, your body creates stress-fighting hormones, which results in free radical waste products floating throughout the body, opening the door to health issues; this list encompasses the majority of common symptoms: fatigue, weight gain, headaches, bloating, stiffness, cold hands and feet, water retention, brain fog, swollen glands, itchy and dry skin, muscle and joint pain, cellulite, colds, sore throats, ear issues, and chronic sinusitis. Did we mention skin problems?

There are approximately 100 to 150 lymph nodes surrounding the colon tissue, and emptying your colon stimulates the drainage of your lymphatic system by creating a void in the system. By creating a “vacuum” of sorts, the lymphatic system will begin to drain and flow properly. Drainage is essential for the healing of any chronic illness. Lymph nodes serve as filters of this fluid along the way, removing bacteria, cancer, viruses, and other harmful substances from the fluid.

If the lymphatic system cannot remove the excess fluid via the bloodstream, this results in swelling, known as edema. Edema is most common in feet, hands, legs, arms, and ankles. In addition, a congested lymphatic system and edema are also brought on by poor nutrition, imbalanced electrolytes, and even injury.

Maintaining fluid balance in the body by collecting excess fluid and particulate matter from tissues and depositing them in the bloodstream is the job of your body’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a system most people know very little about. In this article, we dove right into the ins and outs of the lymphatic system and how keeping it moving is a vital part of the proper function of your immune system and your overall health.

First, we looked at the lymphatic system draining. Next, we discussed the purpose of the lymphatic system. Then, we covered detoxing your lymphatic system. Finally, we closed with a congested lymphatic system. Now that you have finished reading, you can claim better overall health with a lymphatic detox.

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